Indoor Rock Climbing + Korean BBQ

David Chang, Hnin Aung
Trip date
Saturday, February 3rd, 2018
Difficulty rating
5.yummy and V-fun
Top rope belay preferred. Cash for a day pass to CRG and a meal.

You're going to need a real hunger for adventure and a big appetite for fun. It's going to be a great time while everyone else is out in -20 degree windchills.

We begin with a long and treacherous drive to Central Rock Gym in the far far town of Watertown (~20 minutes) at around 9am.

Then we're going to top rope/climb (no ice but you can put ice cubes in your water bottle if you want?) until we're hungry (~2 hours).

If that's not enough, we'll be trekking 10+ miles (by car) to a Korean BBQ place (TBD) and practice the triangle of happiness by eating until we can't move. As you know, the calories don't count during Winter School.

BONUS: No pre-trip meeting.


first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
Jan. 31, 2018, noon
Signups closed at
Feb. 1, 2018, 11:59 p.m.
  1. What's your climbing experience? What's your bouldering or top rope rating? Belay certification?
  2. Dietary restrictions? (Korean BBQ is not vegetarian friendly)
  3. The most EXTREME-ly lazy thing you've ever done or seen.
Signups for this trip are closed.