White elephant on the Kinsmans (The best group)

Felicia Belostecinic (coB), Jacob Willis (B coC), Stella Lau (B coC)
Winter School
Terrain level
Trip date
Saturday, January 18th, 2025
Difficulty rating
Difficult (L4)
Must have attended Winter Safety Lectures, Prior winter hiking experience, Good physical fitness to hike 10 miles in winter conditions

Did you miss out on a gift exchange this holiday season? It is not too late! Join this dual Kinsman extravaganza this Saturday where two separate MITOC trips will attempt the Kinsmans from opposite directions and exchange snacks when they converge. Will you be nice and bring Scandinavian swimmers? or naught and bring protein powder.

Route: This is a 9 mi 3300' elevation gain there and back from Lonesome lake trailhead to North Kinsman and South Kinsman, via Fishin Jimmy Trail. Note that there are some steep, potentially icy sections on Fishin Jimmy, so we might be bringing crampons. The summit of South Kinsman is exposed, and Saturday is forecasted to be windy, so we’ll get a taste of above-treeline travel and get to test out our face coverings!

Pace: We expect participants to be capable of maintaining a moderate-fast pace (1.5 mph). We will efficiently learn how to take efficient breaks and manage gear efficiently. This efficient hike will be done efficiently with no 40 minutes breaks.

Logistics: There is a mandatory pre-trip meeting on Thursday at 6pm to discuss the trip. We will leave Cambridge at 0600 on Saturday for the hike

Prerequisites: Attended a past winter school safety lecture. Have completed a winter hike of greater than 7 miles and 2500' comfortably (or 3-season of 12 mi and 4000' in the past year) and are familiar with microspikes. Be comfortable maintaining a 1.5mph pace. If you do not meet the prerequisites but think you'd be a good fit, or if you're not sure, please email the leaders!

If you can drive your own car or are willing to drive a rental car, edit the lottery preferences on your MITOC profile to show this.


first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
Jan. 15, 2025, noon
Signups closed at
Jan. 16, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
  1. What is the most recent comparable hike you've completed in the last 6 months? Please include the distance and elevation gain. If you haven’t hiked recently, what does your weekly exercise routine look like?
  2. Describe your winter and 3-season hiking experience (Be specific)
  3. If you were a cat, what type would you be?
Signups for this trip are closed.