Moriah Ridge traverse

Ashutosh Kumar (Leader), Bjorn Poonen (Leader), Samantha Mandel (Leader)
Charlotte Folinus
3-season hiking
Trip date
Sunday, August 11th, 2024
Difficulty rating
Hiking boots or trail runners. Physical condition for this distance and elevation gain.

Join a day hike along the entire Moriah Group Range! We'll hike up Stony Brook Trail up to the ridge, after which we'll have miles and miles of excellent views to the Presidentials, to Maine, and deep down into the Wild River Wilderness. Along the ridge, we'll visit Mt. Moriah (a 4000-footer), Middle Moriah, and Shelburne Moriah (one of the most remote 52-with-a-view peaks). Shelburne Moriah's summit consists of a huge area of flat ledge, so it has even better views than Mt. Moriah!

Total: 14.1 mi, 3800 ft. gain, map. The route has one significant stream crossing, near the start (Stony Brook).

(The trip is labeled "Advanced" because of the long distance, and because on a traverse it is not easy to bail out. Ideally, participants will have previously done at least a 9-mile hike with 3000 ft. of gain.)

We'll leave Cambridge very early so that we can hike at a comfortable pace, and we'll stop for a quick breakfast along the way. We hope to hike at at least 1 mph uphill, and 1.5-2 mph along the ridge and down.

Participants will share car costs. If you can drive your own car or are willing to drive a rental car, please edit the lottery preferences on your MITOC profile to show this.


first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
Aug. 5, 2024, 8:21 p.m.
Signups closed at
Aug. 8, 2024, 9 a.m.
  1. Do you have hiking boots, or trail runners? 2. Describe a hike you have enjoyed recently (length and elevation gain, if you remember them).
Signups for this trip are closed.