Mt. Tripyramid via North and South Slide

Dheepak Arumukhom Revi (Co-Leader), Sai Srivatsa Ravindranath (Leader)
Charlotte Folinus
3-season hiking
Trip date
Saturday, June 29th, 2024
Difficulty rating
Hard (L5)
in good shape; confidence to hike steep terrain/ scramble

We are hiking up our tripyramids on Saturday, June 29th, 2024, and plan to knock out two 4000-footers, North and Middle Tripyramid.

The tripyramid loop trail is a 10.5-mile loop with 2900 feet of elevation gain and is listed as one of the hardest trips of the Terrifying 25. Check out the trail map. We'll be hiking up the north slide and descending the south slide - both slide sections of the trail are quite steep, tricky, and exposed hiking. Slides will involve an extended portion of very fun and very challenging scrambling!


  • A good pair of hiking shoes/boots (no sneakers)
  • Prior hiking experience w/ some scrambling
  • A good attitude!

There will be a mandatory pre-trip meeting on Zoom at 6:30 PM on Thursday. This is concurrent with office hrs, so this is also your chance to rent or check out gear. The weather looks ok, but we will cancel the trip if it rains on Saturday. We’ll make the final decision during the pre-trip meeting. Priority will be given to those who can drive.

Please budget for $30-50 carpooling costs. We intend to use the MIT car cost calculator and share costs equally among participants.

Sign-ups are at the leader's discretion. If we feel the trip may not be a good fit fitness-wise, we may ask you to drop it. If you have questions about the trip or whether it’s a good fit for you, please email us!


first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
June 24, 2024, 10:48 a.m.
Signups closed at
June 26, 2024, 10 p.m.
  1. What was the last comparable hike that you did?
  2. Have you ever climbed up / down a slide before?
  3. Do you have a car/ are you willing to drive?
Signups for this trip are closed.