Twizzlers and tangerines on the Twins [Rescheduled]

Charlotte Folinus (Co-Leader), Janey Farina (Leader)
Joe Palin
3-season hiking
Trip date
Sunday, July 14th, 2024
Difficulty rating
Difficult (L4)
1. Hiking boots/shoes or trail runners (no sneakers) 2. Physical fitness for a trip of this length and elevation gain 3. Experience hiking at least 8 miles with at least 2500 ft of elevation gain

Note: This trip was rescheduled due to weather to July 14th. New participants can sign up starting at noon on July 9. We may be able to take more than seven participants, depending on car availability (join the waitlist if trip shows as full!)

Join us on a scenic and difficult day hike to North and South Twin on Sunday, June 30! This is a 10.7 mi hike with 3700 ft of elevation gain – this is a reasonably difficult hike due to the length/elevation, but (if the weather cooperates!) we will have beautiful views from both summits into the Pemi wilderness!

We’re keeping an eye on Sunday’s forecast – we might reschedule/cancel if there is heavy rain!


We will take the North Twin Trail to ascend to North Twin, briefly descend to the col, and then ascend to South Twin before retracing our steps! You can view a caltopo map here and an AllTrails listing (with reviews) here.


We plan to leave Cambridge early Sunday morning (5AM) – if there is enough interest, some/all of the group may drive up Saturday evening to spend the night at the MITOC Camelot cabin (1 hr drive to trailhead, vs 2.75 hr from Boston). If you can drive your own car or are willing to rent, please be sure to edit your MITOC profile to show this. There will be a mandatory, in-person pre-trip meeting on Thursday (06/24) at 6:30pm on the 5th floor of W20 near the elevators (one floor above the MITOC office). For new participants who did not join the original pretrip meeting, we'll have a virtual pre-trip meeting on Thursday (07/11) in the evening (exact time TBD)


Please budget for: $30-50 carpooling costs, $5-10 if you stay overnight at Camelot, any personal gear rentals, and any food you buy along the way. We intend to use the MIT car cost calculator and share costs equally among participants.

Sign ups are first come first serve but attendance is at leader discretion. If we feel the trip may not be a good fit fitness-wise, we may ask you to drop. If you have questions about the trip or whether it’s a good fit for you, please email the trip leaders!


first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
July 9, 2024, noon
Signups closed at
July 10, 2024, 5 p.m.
  1. Have you hiked something comparable in the last 6 months? Please list approximate dates, mileage, and elevation gain.
  2. What is your favorite summit snack?
  3. What is your favorite thing to do on a summit?
  4. Do you have a car you can drive? If not, are you willing to rent and drive?
  5. Would you be interested in driving up on Saturday and staying overnight at the MITOC Camelot cabin?
Signups for this trip are closed.