A tri-state extravaganza

Nathanael Jenkins (A coB), Thomas Orr (B)
Carolina Warneryd
Winter (outside IAP)
Terrain level
Trip date
Saturday, April 27th, 2024
Difficulty rating
Fitness commensurate with comfortably hiking 8+ miles / 2k+ vert in any season.

It's mud season up in the whites, which means higher elevation trails are especially fragile & slushy. While that all dries up, we'll be taking the opportunity to go on an extravaganza of interstate travel.

We'll be following the route here. We may skip some of the spurs and/or skip Bear mountain. If we complete the full loop it's 10.5 miles and 2100ft of vert.

The forecast calls for some scattered higher clouds and relatively warm temps starting around 40 F and peaking in the mid 50s as the day progresses. It should be a great chance to start shedding those winter layers.

Depending on stoke level, we may detour on the way back and trek up an intense .3 mile hike with 6ft of vert to get to the RI high point.

There will be an optional pre-trip meeting Thursday at 6PM in the office to help people rent gear and answer any questions. We can also setup a zoom link if anyone would like to call in. We still need to finalize the timeline, but plan on leaving Boston around 7AM. Additionally, plan on $20 - $40 to reimburse drivers. Please reach out to the leaders and/or to the MITOC treasurer if this cost would be prohibitive.

We'll add more space if there's enough interest and another driver joins the trip. If you're unsure about prerequisites, please reach out to Thomas and Nathanael. We're stoked to take anyone and are excited about participants who may be newer to hiking this distance, but just need to touch base and make sure the trip is a good fit.


first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
April 21, 2024, 8:25 p.m.
Signups closed at
April 24, 2024, 9 a.m.
  1. What is a comparable hike you've completed in the last year (please include the trail, distance, and elevation).
  2. How stoked are you about state high points?
  3. What's something you're excited to do at the state tri-point (NY, MA, CT border)
Signups for this trip are closed.