Climbing Leader Weekend

Andrea Lehn, Anish Dighe, Dan Zhao, Josh Bradshaw, Kathy Camenzind, Mark Simon, Misha Badov, Paul Lilin, Qiuying Lai, Simon Kwok, Tian Ong
Sport climbing, top rope
Trip date
Saturday, May 4th, 2024
Difficulty rating
Interest in becoming a MITOC climbing leader, or are one already

Come join us for a weekend of climbing based out of our beloved Camelot cabin near Rumney, NH, to celebrate the start of the climbing season. The intent of this weekend is to:

  • Climb
  • Have fun!
  • Meet existing MITOC climbing leaders
  • Have current climbing leaders climb with potential climbing leaders (ie good chance to get recommendations for a leader application or upgrade request)

Who: Any/all MITOC climbing leaders, or folks interested in becoming one (ie are a self-sufficient outdoor climber who would like to get more involved with MITOC climbing). Self sufficient ~= have the necessary experience to climb safely with someone else of the same experience level. If you're not sure if this is you - please reach out! :)

What: Self-organized climbing Saturday/Sunday at Rumney or other nearby areas, fun / bonding / food at Camelot!

When: Sat 5/4 - Sun 5/5. There will be an option to come up Friday night.

Where: Camelot / Rumney / nearby climbing

Why: Fun! Friends! Rocks! (This is also a great opportunity to meet and climb with other MITOC leaders, get recommendations for becoming a leader / upgrading, etc.)

Please sign up by Wednesday, May 1 so we can coordinate a rideshare, give folks a chance to find partners, and get head count on food. If you are a leader, feel free to sign up as a leader. If you need to drop, please drop your signup so that we know you're not coming.

Cost - It's $5 (camping) or $10 (inside) per night at Camelot, and $8 for dinner. As always, be prepared to pay drivers if carpooling for the gas+wear/tear.


first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
March 11, 2024, 4 p.m.
Signups closed at
May 2, 2024, 9 a.m.
  1. Are you already a climbing leader / looking for recs?
  2. Would you be interested in running an official trip one of the days? (not required)
  3. What are you interested in doing this weekend?
Signups for this trip are closed.