Back-to-School Trip Planning Social #1

Aalok Sathe, Dorota Jarecka, Mike Chan, Rika Sugimoto Dimitrova
Trip date
Thursday, August 10th, 2023
Difficulty rating

Join us at the MITOC trip planning social on Thursday August 10, 7:00-8:00 pm in room 32-124

(Note: location changed due to rain)

Browse and add trip ideas here.

What is the Back-to-School trip planning social?

The Back-to-School trip planning social is an event to brainstorm and plan adventures for the month of September geared towards incoming and returning students. This event is open to all MITOC members, although we particularly encourage MITOC leaders and folks who want to become MITOC leaders to join. If you are an undergrad or grad student MITOC member and you are not sure what the club does, or you have trip ideas that you would like to see happen, you are welcome to join as well! Become a member here.

What kind of trips are we planning?

Any kind: hiking, climbing, trail running, backpacking, mountain biking, fly fishing, canoeing, bikepacking... We would like to encourage a diverse selection of official trips that incoming and returning students can enjoy, with a focus on local activities that are accessible to students as well.

Will there be food?



first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
Aug. 5, 2023, midnight
Signups closed at
Aug. 10, 2023, 9 p.m.
  1. Do you have any dietary restrictions?
  2. What kind of trips would you like to lead?
Signups for this trip are closed.