Harvard Stadium Stairs

Asha Park-Carter
Trail running
Trip date
Wednesday, March 30th, 2022
Difficulty rating
s t e e p

Do you love climbing stairs, but it just always seems like there aren't enough?

Come to (hopefully semi-regular) outdoor stair-climbing practice at Harvard Stadium! There is no organization to semi-regular stair-climbing, just a group of people who show up to toil on endless, endless stairs.

We'll meet/start on the corner closest to the indoor track (Section 37), and you're welcome to come and do however many sections you'd like. We’ll arrive at 5:50, hang out for 10 minutes to chat, and then get climbing. Bring water and snacks!

Why climb stairs? Because climbing mountains with ease & happiness doesn’t happen for free. You will struggle on stairs today, and then float through the clouds on the mountain-tops tomorrow. Your glutes will be the glutes that pierce the heavens.

See you there!


first-come, first-serve
Maximum participants
Signups opened at
March 20, 2022, 9:28 p.m.
Signups closed at
March 30, 2022, 7 p.m.

What's your stoke level?

Signups for this trip are closed.